
Exam 1

Yes, Exam is over for Portfolio Management.
No, got 1 more easy paper to go.
No, "unemployed" this word is going to stick on my forehead.

Now, relax first. Monday start study for the Last paper in UTAR - ASM
i only wish that if portfolio give me a 50 mark in Porfolio, i can exempt the VEE. Else, i really need to be forced to take it again in the future which is more harder.
Life of taking portfolio is just a pressure, what had been studied all are really easy to understand. Yet, what need in the exam are patient. It always been covered by the time limitation to make what i had memorized fly away.
Further more, what shall be read in portfolio? know those CS, MF, option and futures. there are nothing HARD just the stupid question set that let people misunderstand. Sucks.
